The world and myself through my eyes.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Its hard to define oneself. Its not that i am lost in life or something, its just that i don't think i am consistent enough. Some might call me a loner. Well its not as if i like to alone all the time, its just that i rather do something with myself than be in company that i do not enjoy. i cannot make small talk, i am not into partying, and generally quite inept at handling people. But sometimes my loneliness gets to me, when things are not going good or i am bored..i feel like speaking to someone....but who and why?.

A very good friend of mine says i call her up and stay quiet. Well its good that she is quite talkative at most she fills me in with her 'life'. But i wonder if she realizes that these are the times that i am desperate for some humanity. Probably she does.... that i have nothing to say.. or maybe i have lots to..but how and why??

These times are are not very frequent...but very tough.

There is something to be said a about human body in motion. Its fascinating, revealing and a delight to watch. I am not sure what strikes me the most... the way the arms move or stay, limbs rise and fall, the transfer of weight while walking or the movement of the butt ..its just amazing.The way a person holds himself/herself, the erectness of the body, the feet dragging, the expression of the face...its so revealing. I cannot put it into words. It’s like a subconscious data gathering that keeps happening.....unknowingly, unconsciously.Being a guy, i tend to watch women more...and i can often tell by just looking at their walks howdesirable she is to me. I do not wish to analyze and arrive at a formula....its just too much effort that too at something which i believe is kinda implicit.