The world and myself through my eyes.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Its hard to define oneself. Its not that i am lost in life or something, its just that i don't think i am consistent enough. Some might call me a loner. Well its not as if i like to alone all the time, its just that i rather do something with myself than be in company that i do not enjoy. i cannot make small talk, i am not into partying, and generally quite inept at handling people. But sometimes my loneliness gets to me, when things are not going good or i am bored..i feel like speaking to someone....but who and why?.

A very good friend of mine says i call her up and stay quiet. Well its good that she is quite talkative at most she fills me in with her 'life'. But i wonder if she realizes that these are the times that i am desperate for some humanity. Probably she does.... that i have nothing to say.. or maybe i have lots to..but how and why??

These times are are not very frequent...but very tough.


Blogger bent mind said...

yeah...i knw the feeling.. been there often...

sat thru reading quite a bit of your posts..!! will come back... :)

5:50 AM

Blogger Vain Cynic said...

Sigh! We all get that feeling don't we.

2:56 PM


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