The world and myself through my eyes.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

It was a ordinary cool winter evening and i was a with one of my best pals. We were walking down a nondescript road in a lower middle class locality. We were out shopping after a long time and hopping to have a good time. As we were walking, i noticed a really old hawker sitting down on the pavement and moaning. His cart stood aside indicating he had dismounted just a moment ago. He was old, with sparse disheveled white hair. As we approached closer we could see was breathing heavy and was in gr8 discomfort. His legs were out in front on him and he was pressing his chest while shaking to and fro. He was really old. A women, probably his wife sat next to him was rubbing his arm. I am not sure but I think there was also a very small kid beside. Out of curiosity and concern I stared at the guy, his wife looked up and our eyes met. They were just that..just eyes, looking. I wonder if I caught a glimpse of concern in them. But that was all.

"What’s wrong with him"
"I don't know..he seems sick."
"He looks very sick..i think he just collapsed on the road"
"Is he having a heart attack?"
"I don't know ..should we do anything"

We kept walking...

I kept turning and looking back.....the women looked at me again...nothing.

"He is just too old"
"I think he was coughing"
"I am a bit shaken"
"I guess he wud be okay..he was just coughing"

I was distressed, i felt like going back..doing something. What?

We turned at the end of the road. I felt sick, i felt chocked as i thought about the old man. probably he was dying!
A lump appeared in my throat, My friend could sense it.... we both kept walking..........


Blogger Travel Writer said...

hats off .. to ur honesty .... i am almost admiring ur accounts ... everyday accounts but so real , genuine and honest ...

4:38 AM

Blogger Vain Cynic said...


many times we pass by people who may need our help. May be we are waiting to be asked, out loud. May be those eyes were not just that ... they could be eyes pleading sliently.

Isn't it weird how we lock our compassion in our hearts and live a blasé life.

p.s: nice posts.

11:30 AM


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